February 17, 2025

Abel Wisnoski

Portable Tech

What is Supervised Learning?


Supervised learning is a type of machine learning in which the algorithm learns by example. In supervised learning, data with known outputs (labels) is used to train the model. It’s called supervised because there are labels provided for each pattern in the training data that allow us to make sure that our model makes correct predictions on new data.

Supervised learning trains a model with labeled data that has both input features and target labels.

Supervised learning trains a model with labeled data that has both input features and target labels.

A supervised learning algorithm takes in an input and produces an output, which is usually represented as an equation. For example, let’s say you want to build an algorithm for predicting if someone will take a loan or not. You could have your dataset contain information about this person such as their credit score and income level; then use these two variables as inputs into your model so that it can predict whether or not they will take out a loan (the output).

Supervised learning algorithms are trained on labeled datasets where humans have already reviewed all of the data beforehand and given them specific classifications based on what they think each row represents (e.g., “Yes”/”No”). This allows us to train our models using known outcomes before we apply them in different situations later down the road when making predictions without having any prior knowledge about what might happen next!

Supervised learning is used to make predictions based on historical data, but it’s not used to make decisions in real time.

Supervised learning is used to make predictions based on historical data, but it’s not used to make decisions in real time.

For example, let’s say you’re looking at the temperature of your home and notice that it’s gotten colder as the day has gone on. You could predict that if you don’t turn up your thermostat soon, it will get even colder overnight. However, because this prediction is based on what happened in the past (i.e., increased temperatures during daytime hours), it wouldn’t be able to tell you what will happen tomorrow or next week when there are different weather conditions involved. That kind of information would require unsupervised learning algorithms instead!

In supervised learning, the algorithm gets feedback on whether its outputs are correct or incorrect.

In supervised learning, the algorithm gets feedback on whether its outputs are correct or incorrect. It’s kind of like when you get an answer sheet back from your teacher with all the answers filled in and then you can see where you went wrong.

This makes sense because you’re teaching a machine how to do something by giving it examples of what does and doesn’t work. You give it some data points (inputs) along with their expected outcomes (outputs), and then you let it try to figure out how best to achieve those outcomes given new data points that come its way later on down the line.

Supervised Machine Learning is the task of extracting knowledge from training data.

Supervised Machine Learning is the task of extracting knowledge from training data.

Supervised Learning differs from unsupervised learning in that it uses labeled examples to make predictions about new data points. In other words, you must provide your algorithm with some sort of “right answer” for each example; this allows the algorithm to learn how to correctly classify new instances in an ensemble fashion. Supervised Machine Learning is used to make predictions based on historical data, but it’s not used to make decisions in real time (e.g., by a self-driving car).

A type of machine learning in which the algorithm learns by example.

Supervised learning is a type of machine learning in which the algorithm learns by example. In supervised learning, the algorithms are given a set of training data containing inputs and their corresponding outputs. The algorithm then uses this information to predict future outcomes based on historical data.

Supervised learning is used to make predictions based on historical data, but it’s not used to make decisions in real time (like an autonomous vehicle driving down the highway). Instead, it gets feedback on whether its outputs are correct or incorrect–and then makes adjustments accordingly so that future predictions become more accurate over time as it continues to learn from its mistakes.


In supervised learning, the algorithm gets feedback on whether its outputs are correct or incorrect. This is called “supervised” because it’s supervised by humans who choose the right answers and tell the machine what was wrong with its output. Supervised learning is used to make predictions based on historical data, but it’s not used to make decisions in real time (unlike reinforcement learning).

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