February 17, 2025

Abel Wisnoski

Portable Tech

How To Manage Daily Workflow In Such A Hurry


You data have a full schedule. You have so many things to do and so little time to do them that you feel like you’re constantly running around with your hair on fire. And that’s just the way most of us live our lives these days. We stare at the clock every morning, wondering how we’re going to fit everything in before the day is over—and wishing we could somehow slow down time or make more of it.

1. Prioritize your tasks

  • Prioritize your tasks
  • Start with the most important task of the day (and make sure it gets done)
  • If you can’t do it in one sitting, break it down into smaller tasks that are easier to accomplish throughout the day (e.g., “write article” becomes “research topic,” then “create outline for article,” then “start writing first draft”)
  • Try to get the most important tasks done first so that they don’t pile up and take over your whole day

2. Focus on one thing at a time

  • Focus on one thing at a time

If you’re like most people, you probably try to do several things at once. You might be working on an email while checking your Facebook feed and trying to remember what’s for dinner tonight. Or maybe you’re doing the dishes while talking with a friend over the phone, or playing “just one more level” in your favorite video game before bedtime.

The problem with this approach is that it takes up so much of our mental energy just keeping track of all these different tasks that none of them get done well enough (or fast enough). It’s impossible for our brains to focus fully on multiple things at once–and even if it were possible, why would we want them too? Our bodies aren’t designed for multitasking; they’re designed for single-task focus!

3. Do not multitask

You can’t do two things at once. Multitasking is a myth, and it’s time you stop believing in it.

The brain can only focus on one thing at a time, so when you try to do two things simultaneously, your brain will switch from one task to another every few seconds–and this makes it impossible for either task to be done well. Not only does multitasking make us less efficient than if we focused on one thing at a time (which means more work gets done), but it also leads us into procrastination mode: instead of focusing on our work as we should be doing, we’re distracted by other tasks that are less important but easier for our minds because they require less concentration or effort on our part (like social media).

4. Avoid distractions

To avoid distractions, you should turn off all notifications. You should also turn off your phone and computer as much as possible. If you can’t do that, at least don’t work in noisy places (like coffee shops) or places where there are people who might distract you (like your office).

If you don’t have the option of leaving these things behind entirely, then try working somewhere with fewer distractions: perhaps a nearby library or another quiet location away from home where no one will be able to bother you while they’re trying to study or sleep.

5. Take breaks every 30 minutes or so

You can’t do this all day, every day. In fact, it’s not even good for you to try. Your brain needs breaks just like your body does.

If you work in an office with others, this is easy: when the clock strikes noon or 1pm (or whatever), everyone takes lunch at once–and then after that they go home and sleep or play outside until 5am comes around again! But if you’re working from home or on your own schedule with no one else around who has agreed upon a regular lunch break time (or any other kind of break), then how will anyone know when it’s time for them?

You’ll have to set aside 30 minutes each day where nothing gets done except relaxing and enjoying yourself without thinking about work at all–even if only for five minutes!

It is important to stay focused to get the most out of your days

You can’t do everything at once. You can’t be in two places at once, and you can’t do everything perfectly.

You are not a perfectionist, so stop trying to do everything quickly or right. It’s okay if something doesn’t turn out exactly how you want it to–that’s life! The point is that we all have limited time and energy resources available each day, so it’s important that we learn how best to allocate them towards achieving our goals while still finding time for rest and relaxation (which may also include some Netflix).


It is important to stay focused to get the most out of your days. This means that you need to be able to manage your time well, avoid distractions and multitasking. By keeping these tips in mind, you will be able to focus on what matters most and get it done faster than ever before!

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