February 17, 2025

Abel Wisnoski

Portable Tech

Confessions Of An Augmented Reality Startup Founder


AR is here to stay. Augmented Reality isn’t just a fad. Users won’t have to pay for your app or service. You’re not competing with Facebook or Snapchat. The first generation of AR glasses will be ugly and expensive. This is going to be bigger than you think!

AR is here to stay.

AR is here to stay.

It’s a natural extension of how we interact with the world and it’s already here, in the form of Pokemon Go and Snapchat filters. If you haven’t tried AR yet, it’s time to get on board–it will be bigger than VR!

Augmented Reality isn’t just a fad.

You’re probably thinking, “Hey, I’ve seen some pretty cool augmented reality apps and games. But don’t we already have smartphones? How can AR be a ‘technology’?”

Well, it’s true that many of us have been using some form of AR for years now–even if we didn’t know it at the time. Think about Snapchat filters or Facebook’s face swapping tool: these are both examples of how people are already interacting with AR on a daily basis. However, there are two main reasons why augmented reality is likely to become more popular in 2019 than ever before:

  • The rise of mobile devices with built-in cameras (such as smartphones) means that everyone has access to an AR experience; and 2) Developers have started creating tools that make it easier than ever before for anyone who wants them!

People will always want a new way to experience the world.

People will always want a new way to experience the world. We’ve always been fascinated by what we can’t see, and our perspective on life has evolved as technology has provided more ways to see it.

People love to be able to interact with their world, whether it’s through games or mobile apps that let them try something new or even just by using Google Street View on their phone while driving through an unfamiliar city (guilty). The ability for people to share experiences with others is also extremely powerful: think about all of the photos you’ve posted on social media over the years–you wouldn’t have done so if there weren’t an audience for those moments!

Users won’t have to pay for your app or service.

You’ll be able to make money from your app or service by charging users to access it. This will be the easiest way for you to get cash rolling in, but it’s not the only way.

Users will also be willing to pay for experiences that they can’t get anywhere else. For example, let’s say you created an augmented reality game where players have to hunt ghosts around their neighborhood and then report their findings back at base camp–it would cost them nothing because all they need is their phone! But what if those players want more than just playing the game; what if they want bragging rights? You could offer them exclusive items like t-shirts or badges that show off how good they are at playing this particular AR experience (and maybe even give them some XP points), which would encourage users who play often enough and win enough battles against other players’ teams (if there were any) so that they can earn these rewards as well

You’re not competing with Facebook or Snapchat.

You’re not competing with Facebook or Snapchat.

You’re all building the same thing, but in different ways. Facebook and Snapchat are not direct competitors; they build for a very different audience and use case. They also have very different business models, which makes them even more distinct from each other.

So you should focus on what you want to build for your users (and yourself). You can look at what others are doing as inspiration for features or product design approaches–but don’t try to replicate it exactly!

The first generation of AR glasses will be ugly and expensive.

The first generation of AR glasses will be ugly and expensive. They’ll have a limited field of view, low resolution, and they’ll be uncomfortable to wear.

But here’s the thing: if you want to create something that has lasting value–like an app or a hardware product–you need to start somewhere. And when it comes to augmented reality technology, there’s no better place than with those first-gen devices that make everyone say “Oh my god… those things are so ugly!”

This is going to be bigger than you think

I know this is going to be a hard pill to swallow, but augmented reality is here to stay. It’s not just a fad, and it won’t fade away as quickly as you think it will.

AR has already become part of our lives – whether we know it or not. The next time you’re out with friends at your favorite bar or restaurant, look around: there are probably at least two people using their phones while sitting at the table with others (and often more than two). This is what I call “social AR.” In fact, I’ve written an entire article about how social AR apps like Facebook Messenger are growing faster than expected!


ARKit and ARCore are just the beginning. Augmented Reality will be bigger than you think, and you can be a part of it. If you’re interested in learning more about how to get started with ARKit or ARCore, check out our blog post on How To Make An Augmented Reality App In 4 Steps.

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